Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Relation between Rap Music and Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Relation between Rap Music and Violence - Essay Example Rap music is a form of art which reflects the real life situations. The influence of rap music on teenagers is a hotly debated topic in America. Some people believe that rap music can create violent character and attitudes among teenagers while others strongly oppose this argument. Lots of studies have been conducted in America in order to measure the influence of rap music on deviant behaviours of teenagers and young adults. Findings of different studies again failed to reach a consensus in concluding whether rap music inject violence or not. This paper briefly analyses the rap music influences on teenagers. â€Å"After studying 522 black girls between the ages of 14 and 18 from non- urban, lower socioeconomic neighborhoods, researchers found that compared to those who never or rarely watched these videos, the girls who viewed these gangsta videos for at least 14 hours per week were far more likely to practice numerous destructive behaviors. (Kirchheimer) The above research also concluded that the rap music listeners may hit the teachers three times more than an average teenager. Moreover these teenagers may have multiple sex partners and quiet often more volatile to the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases, drug and alcohol addiction.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Maslow and behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Maslow and behaviour - Essay Example Once these are met, then they provide a foundation for attaining a higher level of motivation that are based on the basic ones. For instance, after an individual achieves his or her safety and physiological needs, then they would be more inclined into belonging and finding acceptance among their peers and other groups that they identify with. Contrary to the mode of study done by Freud and B.F Skinner, Maslow opted to study successful and accomplished individuals such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, and Fredrick Douglas. Walking through any institution of higher learning such as a college would open ones eye to the striking difference in the students of any one institution. Some of the glaring difference is evident in the health, confidence, and living conditions. However, it is apparent that all the students have needs. Therefore, it is necessary for individuals needs to be identified so that they can be met. This is why initial diagnostic assessment is so important. It is also essential to assess whatever has been put in place to check its suitability for purpose. Regular tracking and monitoring will enable the effectiveness to be measured and any necessary adjustments to be done. Deficiency needs are the first four levels of needs within the hierarchy. These needs must be satisfied before the person is motivated to be able to move to the higher levels. Once a deficiency need has been met the drive or desire to meet that need lessons. For example, you were hungry and could not concentrate on your lesson. You would feel quite differently once you had eaten and would be able to re-engage with your lesson. Having a small group i.e., eight students enables me to work closely with each and develop strong home-college links allowing me to notice if there are deficiency issues and respond accordingly. For example by helping families to access benefits so that they can pay